Monday, November 17, 2014

Monthly Dinner Menus & Budget Templates

Hey ya'll!

    I don't know about you but as a mom of 5 I know how hard it is to stay organized! I have learned that a great schedule is the key to keeping my home running smoothly. I have come across some great websites that offer some of the cutest calendars, charts and budget templates. One of my favorites is Sissy Print (C)  (,Monthly Dinner Menu from Sissy Print, they have a wonderful dinner menu template in a Moroccan theme. This has saved my life! I plan my dinners around what's on sale at the local markets. I usually plan it a week at a time to get the best values. I hope this menu helps you as it has helped me save time and money!

    The next thing that caught my eye on Sissy Print (C) was the Monthly Budget, done it the same Moroccan theme, if you print this out for the year and purchase a cheap plastic 3 hole binder (most Dollar Stores carry these year round for $1 or less) you have a yearly budget binder for the cost of the binder, paper, and ink for the printer.

    These templates are just some of the things you can find on their website. Check them out and stay tuned for more tip, tricks, recipes, and cool shopping finds.



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