Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Shopping news in DFW 11.19.2014

Hey Ya'll!!

    As you have probably heard Wal-Mart stated recently that they would be ad-matching with various online competitors such as So i tried to test this out and here is what I found out. Wal-Mart Ad-Match Guarantee states that they will match any price as long as it is not a BOGO without a set price, a percentage off, or does not show price, or if the quality of the product is inferior to theirs (see the link for more rules). I shopped for my usual item razors, deodorant, make-up, toothpaste, and other items. I was then told by the Store Manager that they will not accept the Online Price Match Policy when the prices on are 90% below their retail value. The other Wal-Mart stores in the area also stated that was their policy as well as it was up to the individual store manager to decide whether or not to allow patrons to use the Online Ad Match policy. The manager did allow me to get some of my items from the site but that was still not the answer I was looking for as a busy, working, student mother and wife I try to stretch every dollar we make so for a company to resend a policy they still have on their website with no mention of it being at the store manager's discretion is astounding!

    So check out my receipt and see if you can spot the very few items I was allowed to claim from the so-called online price match policy.
What do you guys and gals think? Fair or unfair? Want to sound off at Wal-Mart's flip-floppy policy click here and let Wal-Mart know how you feel. Don't forget if you like what you hear and see like us and share on!  

Kenni <3

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